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go ahead!Might: かもしれない
I might do this. That might be the case. As you can see, this lesson is about how to say might as in these contexts in Japanese. Be sure to say this phrase with pitch rising on か.
かもしれない means "might" as in there is a possibility of something. The predicate that it follows should be in the plain form, but だ is deleted when directly before it. It may also be seen as やも知れない or contracted to かも in casual speech. It is typically just written in かな.
Phrases like ひょっとして (maybe/possibly) and もしかしたら・もしかすると・もしかして (perhaps/possibly) are almost always used with かもしれない.
1. まだ家へ帰っていなかったかもしれない。
He might have not been going home yet.
2. あんたにとっては、些細なことかもけどな、でも俺には大切な問題だぞ。(Masculine; Vulgar)
For you, it may like be trivial, but to me it's a like a big deal!
3. 彼はもう帰ったかもな。
He might have already come home.
4. 人間が全ての石油を使いきってしまう時が{訪れる・来る}かもしれません。
The time may come when man will have used up all oil.
5. なるほど、君のいう通りかもしれんね。
Well then, you may be right.
6. 彼はひょっとしてまだ外にいるでしょうか。
Might he still be outside?
7. ひょっとしたら彼女はここへ来るだろう。
She will possibly come here.
8. 前の試験が難しかったなら、今度の試験も難しいかもしれません。
If the previous exam was difficult, the next exam may also be difficult.
9. それだけの意味はあろうかもしれない。
There might just be that much meaning.
By 堀辰雄.
Grammar Note: かもしれない{だろう・でしょう} would be weird because of doubling more or less the same thing, but it turns out that reversing this as such in the example is possible. However, this speech style is older.
10. もしかしたら彼は気が変わるかもしれません。
He might change his mind.
11. ひょっとすると雨に遭うかもしれません。
Chances are that we'll meet rain.
Alternative Note: Possible as in "possible to do" is expressed with the adjective 可能な.
12. 計画の実行が可能だ。
The plan's execution is possible.